
Our Christian Science church services are open to all.   Services are held in our Church building, as well as being available online via Zoom.

Our church services are HELD IN THIS BUILDING and online. This Reading Room and Library is open ON MondayS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM 10.30 – 2.00 


All are welcome at our services

Sunday services are conducted by a First and Second Reader and include music, hymns, prayer, and the Weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson. This lesson is comprised of readings from our “Pastor”: the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Scientists around the world study the Bible Lesson throughout the week.

Our Sunday services are at 10.30am.

Sunday Services

  1. Hymn.
  2. Reading a Scriptural Selection.
  3. Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation. (As found in the quarterly provided to all guests).
  4. Hymn.
  5. Announcing necessary notices.
  6. Solo.
  7. Reading the Explanatory Note on first leaf of Quarterly.
  8. Announcing the subject of the Lesson-Sermon, and reading the Golden Text.
  9. Reading the Scriptural Selection, entitled “Responsive Reading,” alternately by the First Reader and the congregation.
  10. Reading the Lesson-Sermon. 
  11. Voluntary collection.
  12. Hymn.
  13. Reading the Scientific Statement of Being, and the correlative SCRIPTURE according to I John 3:1–3.
  14. Pronouncing Benediction.

Order of Sunday services

At Wednesday testimony meetings, you’ll hear hymns and readings specially selected for the day from the Christian Science Pastor—the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. There is also an opportunity for attendees to share healings and gratitude based on their study of Christian Science.

Our Wednesday Testimony Meetings are at 7pm.

Wednesday Testimony Meetings

  1. Hymn.
  2. Reading from the BIBLE, and correlative passages from SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES.
  3. Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord’s Prayer.
  4. Hymn.
  5. Announcing necessary notices.
  6. Experiences, testimonies, and remarks on Christian Science.
  7. Closing Hymn.

Order of Wednesday Testimony Meeting

In the Thanksgiving Lesson, which is studied by individuals and shared at Thanksgiving church services around the world, we discover God as the source of all good and see how natural it is to experience and rejoice in His daily gifts of mercy, grace, and abundance. 

Thanksgiving services are held one a year in November.

Thanksgiving Service

  1. Hymn.
  2. Reading the Thanksgiving Proclamation. 
  3. Reading a Scriptural Selection.
  4. Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord’s Prayer with its spiritual interpretation.
  5. Hymn.
  6. Reading the Explanatory Note on the first leaf of the Quarterly.
  7. Announcing the subject of the Lesson-Sermon, and reading the Golden Text.
  8. Responsive Reading by the First Reader and the congregation.
  9. Reading the Lesson-Sermon prepared by the Bible Lesson Committee.
  10. Solo.
  11. Testimonies by Christian Scientists, contributions from visitors appropriate for the occasion.
  12. Hymn.
  13. Reading the Scientific Statement of Being, and the correlative SCRIPTURE according to I John 3:1–3.
  14. Pronouncing Benediction.

Order of Thanksgiving Service